Alright teacher friends, it's time to get a pen pal project going.  At first I was thinking only fifth graders, but I want to make sure we can spread the word on a larger scale.  If you know of some teachers who would be interested in this project, please share the link to this post or tag them on Instagram.  This is how I would like to do the project.  Below is a link to a Google Form that will get the basic info:  your name, school address, email address, and other basics.  Then I'd like to see how often we would like to exchange the post cards.  I'm dedicating a bulletin board to this project using the Target Dollar Spot maps.  I'd love to connect with teachers in other countries, so if you know someone either teaching abroad or that is their home, please pass this along to them.  The goal is to have at least one person in each state.  If we get a lot of interest or duplicates, we may have two groups going at one time.

Once the sign up window closes, I will email each group their contacts with the mailing date(s).  The postcard designs are your choice, but it may be nice to have stuff from your home state.  Again, that is your call because the kids will be so excited to just receive notes from other classes.  We can take it from there if we want to add additional communication, such as Skype or letters versus postcards.  But we will start with one postcard being sent around October and go from there!

Here is the link to the sign up area:

Postcard Pen Pals Sign Up Form


It's that time of year again.  You know that time us teachers have been thinking about all summer. Setting up our classroom.  I don't know about you, but I start planning the upcoming year before I even leave for summer.  I truly think if I wasn't teaching I'd either be an engineer or I'd want to work for Joanna Gaines from "Fixer Upper".  Both jobs speak to me and if I had tons of money, my room would truly show it.  However, if you're a teacher you know the endless supply of cash never seems to find us, so most of us try to make the most with what we have.

Let's talk about where I start.  For me, I measure out my room dimensions (including my bulletin board areas and cabinets) and all the contents in my room.  Then I map it out on graph paper and I even make little room pieces (my inner paper doll loving child comes out and I told you I would be an engineer).  This is what it looks like:

Now I like to tape my entire page and class pieces laminate everything so I can add a small piece of tape to my items and move them around as necessary.  To say I have classroom envy of some of your spaces is an understatement.  Some of you have the LARGEST rooms ever and I may drool over them occasionally.  This is how my layout looks right now.

And yes, that is a stage you see.  One of the awesome parents at my school IS an engineer and has generously offered to help me build one before school starts.  Mine is going to be a bit different than other stages people have made.  It will actually be comprised of five to six pieces (we're still trying to figure out what will work best).  Each piece will be like a box that has hinges so we can store stuff inside.  Because really, who ever has enough storage?  Then each box will be on casters that lock so I can make different configurations.  I'm taking out my kidney table and using the stage instead.  Here are a few options for the stage arrangements.

I like having the flexibility to have stage pieces around my room.  After attending the Ron Clark Academy last year I require all of my scholars to stand when speaking to the class.  Having stage platforms around the room will allow my students to be seen without standing in their chairs.  When I am doing small groups we will make semi u-shaped configurations where the platform is like a table or desk area.  Inside the stage pieces will house carpet squares for scholars to sit on so they are not on the cold floor.

I'd love to hear how you plan your classroom configurations.  I'll make another post once my room is complete, but I'll put pictures along the way on Instagram!  Oh, and if you are friends with Joanna and Chip Gaines, you can let them know I will gladly take any help they want to pass my way with my room!!!
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